Symposium on land Degradation


land degradation and ecosystem restoration in Uganda’s fragile ecosystems


This multi-disciplinary symposium aims to broadly provide a forum for discussion on factors and
causes of land degradation and soil erosion, its impact, and consequences on land use and the
society, particularly food security. Specifically, the following themes will inform the presentations
and discussions;
1. Drivers of land degradation in fragile ecosystems,
2. Rehabilitation and restoration of degraded landscapes
3. Land use change, climate change, and implications for food security
4. Institutional frameworks addressing land degradation: Challenges and prospects
5. Trends in land degradation assessment and monitoring


The symposium is open for researchers, educators, policy makers, practitioners and advocates
interested in land degradation and land use change in Uganda and beyond. It will also provide an
excellent opportunity to extend the personal and professional networks as well as mentorship
opportunities for the next generation of scientists, particularly students and early-career
Professionals affiliated to the Uganda Geographical Association.

Please submit your abstract to to be part of this symposium by 24th AJune 2022.

Venue: Muteesa I Royal University Library, Kakeeka Campus

Your participation will contribute massively towards environmental sustainability.